
Slimen Elkamel
Lives & Works in Tunis, Tunisia
Tunisian artist Slimen Elkamel is celebrated for his fantastic paintings depicting overlapping figures, symbols, and patterns. His practice is deeply rooted in the rich tapestry of popular narratives and the poetic traditions of his rural upbringing. Elkamel’s education at the Tunis Institute of Fine Arts enabled him to transform his literary and intellectual heritage into a unique artistic practice. By bridging the gap between written and visual expression, Elkamel draws inspiration from diverse texts, including poetry, literature, memoirs, and improvisations. Engaging in daily writing exercises, he expands the boundaries of his art, exploring the intricate relationship between reality and imagination. Through theatricalization, Elkamel breathes life into his images, defying conventional limits. His work fuses reality and imagination, transfiguring social narratives into surreal visions. Incorporating images from memory and everyday media, his art becomes a meeting point for intersecting narratives. Recently, Elkamel's talent was recognized with a dedicated exhibition at Paris' prestigious Institut du Monde Arabe.

Slimen Elkamel will be presented by Nil Gallery.
Slimen Elkamel, Cords, 2023, Acrylic on canvas, 152 x 180 cm. Courtesy of the Artist & Nil Gallery.