
Bisila Noha
Lives & Works in Spain
Bisila Noha is a ceramic artist whose work explores overlooked craft traditions, particularly those led by women in the Global South. Her work is influenced by her Spanish and Equatorial Guinean heritage, examining multiple identities and challenging Western views on art and craft. She writes, “My ceramics practice extends from wheel-thrown pieces with the distinctive addition of marbled slip decoration to create eye-catching abstract landscapes; to sculptural pieces mixing throwing, coiling and carving which connect me to my roots, the makers that precede me and our past.”

Noha is in the collections of the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, and The National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh. Her work was featured in the exhibition Body Vessel Clay at Two Temple Place, London (2022). The landmark show, curated by Dr Jareh Das, spanned 70 years of ceramics. Her first solo exhibition was held at Galerie REVEL in Bordeaux, in 2022.

Bisila Noha will be presented by kó.
Bisila Noha, Water Jug, 2023, Various clays, 36 cm (height). Courtesy of the Artist and kó.