
Senzeni Marasela
Lives & Works in Soweto, South Africa
Senzeni Marasela is a multi-disciplinary artist who depicts the lives of indigenous South African women, notably Sarah Baartman who was exhibited in European “freak shows” as the "Hottentot Venus" in the 19th century. Her latest series addresses themes of voyeurism, objectification, and commodification of the African female body. Senzeni's work begins with her grandmother's generation and covers the period of the "red dust" during the early 1900s, when the daily lives of Black people in South Africa were marked by turmoil and strife. In her artwork, Marasela uses the colour red as a symbol of Black lives during this era, seeking to rectify the misrepresentation and omissions that characterise documentation of this period. By using historical materials such as ishweshwe and Kaffir linen, as well as photomontage techniques, Marasela creates fictionalised narratives of the red dust period. This results in a compelling series of images that accurately depict and showcase the lived realities for Black people at the time.
Senzeni Marasela will be presented by Galerie Eric Dupont.
Senzeni Marasela, Theodorah Carrying the world #1, 2019, Red Cotton thread embroidery on House linen, 45 x 45 cm. Courtesy Gallery Eric Dupont.

Artists 2023