
Mashudu Nevhutalu
Lives & Works in Johannesburg, South Africa
Mashudu Nevhutalu was born in Auckland Park, Johannesburg. Nevhutalu’s first artistic influence was the graffiti and street murals he saw decorating dilapidated buildings, bringing them to life with their colours. This love for graffiti urged Nevhutalu to pursue art at a tertiary level, he received an Honours in Fine and Applied Arts in 2014 at the Tshwane University of Technology. Nevhutalu was selected to participate in the Sasol New Signatures Competition and went on to take part in a number of small group shows and other competitions. His interest in photography of the past motivates him to include old family photographs in his paintings. In Nevhutalu’s works, figures are simplified and often made to look hazy and blurry, emphasising the notion of memory being vague and elusive. This effect also anonymises the person from the original family photograph, making the work universal and the figure representative of anyone audiences wish to envision from their own memories. Mashudu Nevhutalu will be presented by BKhz Gallery.
Mashudu Nevhutalu, Golden hour, 2022, Oil on canvas, 101.6 x 152.4 cm. Courtesy of BKhz.

Artists 2023