
Fredrick Botchway
Lives & Works in Accra, Ghana
Fredrick Botchway completed an MFA in Painting and a BFA in Painting from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. Through his artistic practice, Botchway merges art history with his personal experiences, reinventing and reinterpreting the traditional concept of oil painting. With an experimental and liberal approach, he explores various genres of painting, breaking free from the hierarchical canon of importance. The incorporation of elements from his immediate environment infuses Botchway’s works with a sense of authenticity and a connection to his surroundings. Drawing inspiration from the Western Academic period, he pays close attention to the iconography and materiality of the medium of oil paint. Additionally, Botchway incorporates photography and employs various editing processes in his body of work, expanding the boundaries of his artistic expression. He has showcased his work in significant exhibitions, including the FNB Joburg Art Fair in Johannesburg and the Orderly disorderly exhibition at the Museum of Science and Technology in Accra. Fredrick Botchway will be presented by The African Art Hub. 

Fredrick Botchway, Our Trassaco Valley, 2016, 30” x 40”. Mixed media (oil paint, cooking oil, ink on paper) Courtesy of TAAH.

Artists 2023