
McIntosh, Cheryl
Born 1961 in Kingston, Jamaica
Lives and works in Bonn, Germany
Cheryl McIntosh graduated from the Alanus University of Arts and Social Sciences, Alfter, in 2016.  Her career as a teacher and development planning and management specialist took her to Africa where she spent some 15 years. On her ancestors land she felt the need to explore the physical, emotional and psychological disorders of peoples of African descent and the consequences of transatlantic slave trade journeys. This found its channel of expression through art. Inspired by iconic Black leaders,  prominent cultural and political activists, and informed by old photographs, McIntosh confronts questions of identity and attempts to give face to enforced servility, lost brutalized human beings, her faceless Black forefathers who were uprooted from their home to the present Black diaspora.   
Cheryl McIntosh, Covid distraction 2, 2021, Mix media on canvas, 115 x 75 cm. Courtesy of LouiSimone Guirandou Gallery. ©Cheryl McIntosh

Artists 2021