Khadija Jayi
Born 1989 in Meknes, Morocco
Lives and works in Morocco 
Khadija Jayi grew up in a very conservative environment, imbued with the fixed values of tradition. With a rebellious temperament, she decided to pursue her path in the arts. She first enrolled in the visual arts section of a high school in Meknes, then at the École Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Tétouan, from where she graduated in 2018. Through her research, she aims to answer questions that have never ceased to concern her throughout the demanding path she has charted for herself. Drawing inspiration from the feminine craft practices she inherited, as well as the difficult realities she has faced, Jayi invites viewers to reflect on the conflicts between tradition and modernity. It is in an emblematic approach of forms and consumed traces that Jayi has appropriated the language of fire — drawing from its light and heat, but also its form of suffering.
Khadija Jayi, Les reliques de la terre 1, 2022, Burned paper and photographs. Courtesy of Galleria Anna Marra.
