Born in 1990 in Soweto, South Africa. Lives and works in Johannesburg, South Africa
Mack Magagane is a Johannesburg-based photographer and graduate of the Market Photo Workshop in Johannesburg (2010), an environment that helped form many of the interests and ideas he continues to work through today. His work revolves around urban Johannesburg as a conceptual landscape. Magagane sees a clear contrast in how the city is occupied by day and by night; the latter – with its deserted stretches and monstrous shadows – appears as a central motif throughout. These landscapes invite questions about the dangers often associated with Johannesburg, yet Magagane’s emphatic images also serve to question and deconstruct their representation. Moving on from civic space to a more domestic scale, Magagane’s body of work, Chapter V (2014), conveys a poetics of the everyday and the ordinary, zooming in to a point of rendered abstraction.