
Gouirouard-Aizée, Norville
Born 1960 in Martinique
Lives and works in Martinique
Norville Guirouard-Aizée’s art practice is deeply rooted in Martinique culture and the collective unconscious. By critically observing and researching Martinican society, Guirouard-Aizée delivers works that are timeless, satirical and filled with humor. Issues such as history, power, individual and collective regressions, imbalances of Martinican society, religion, violence and several other social complexities materialise, take center stage in his work, and are presented in a linear, yet immersive, universe. For Guirouard-Aizée, the object is of particular importance: objects possess sociocultural value without which society would cease to exist. One's class, for instance, can be gauged by the objects that they own. In the case of art, the materiality of an artwork renders it into an object that conveys cultural, moral, political and aesthetic value. According to Guirouard-Aizée, when everyday objects pass through the hands of the artist, they change status, lose their names and undergo a transformation that often radically alters their shape to create artworks that are both critical and poetic.
Norville Guirouard-Aizée, Vae victis ! Malheur aux vaincus !, 2015, Textile, paper, pin, wood pedestal, glass display box, 15×17×16cm, Courtesy of 14N 61W - [creative renegades society.]