Krystel Ann Art
Located in Lisbon, Portugal, Krystel Ann Art is one of the few contemporary art galleries that focuses on the representation of African Diasporic Contemporary Art in the city. The art gallery and agency was founded in 2016 by two art collectors from Guadeloupe, Olivier Tharsis and Chrystelle Merabli. They represent artists that are based in Africa, Central America, and the Caribbean. The gallery’s portfolio of nine international artists work across disciplines. They collaborate with curators specialized in the decolonization of the arts, placing Black art, history and tradition in a new context, and the empowerment of Black artists and communities. Their goal is to create dialogue among different cultures, operating according to the theories of Martiniquais philosopher Edouard Glissant, who believes that intersection of cultures is necessary to enrich human interactions. Krystel Ann Art has participated in several international art fairs and organized exhibitions in numerous galleries around the world.
passeio dos cruzeidos,
Loja 2E, Lisbon
Lisbon, 1990-002

Exhibiting Artists