Lives & Works in Sekondi, Ghana
In our human ancestry, the persistence of marks, signs, and glyphs, can be discerned as a distinctive trait of our common lineage. Owusu-Ankomah’s bold paintings use Adinkra symbols and are influenced by Akan philosophies. The human figures in the paintings interact within an ocean of emblems that surround and define them. Over time Owusu-Ankomah has incorporated further emblematic ideograms from other periods, cultures, and the natural world, such as Egyptian hieroglyphs, Chinese characters, Japanese Monsho crests and Ice crystals. Owusu-Ankomah states “My paintings deploy a symbolic language that we all (perhaps unconsciously) understand - anyone can read the canvases if they open their minds to them”. His paintings have recently been included in O Quilombismo, at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, under the directorship of Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung. Owusu-Ankomah’s works are included in many important collections, including the British Museum; the Hood Museum of Art; the Detroit Institute of Arts; and the Moscow Renaissance Capital.
Owusu-Ankomah will be presented by October Gallery.